Become a Foster Ready to open your home to a foster pet? Fill out the application below, and one of our volunteers will contact you. Applicant(s) Information Primary foster * Please list adults in your household. First Name Last Name Date of birth * MM DD YYYY Adult #2 * First Name Last Name Date of birth * MM DD YYYY Additional Adults in household? Please add names and birthdates for each additional adult Home address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Mailing address (if different) Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone – home * (###) ### #### Phone – mobile (###) ### #### Phone – work (###) ### #### Email * How many and the ages of children in household Describe the activity level of your household Quiet Moderately Active Active Very Active What animals would you like to foster? Select all that apply. Dog Puppy Dog with Litter Cat Kitten Cat with Litter Have you fostered before? Yes No For whom? When? What animals? May we contact? Yes No Foster contact (###) ### #### May we make unscheduled house checks with short notice? Yes No Are you able to attend adoption events on a weekly basis? Yes No If you cannot attend adoption events, please explain why not. Describe any dogs in your household, including breed, size, age and temperament: Describe any cats in your household, including age and temperament: Are all dogs and/or cats spayed or neutered and up to date on vaccines? Yes No Please list any other animals in the household (birds, horses, goats, etc.) What animals have you had in the past? Residence Information Building type House Condo Apartment Mobile Duplex Own Rent If renting, please give landlord’s name and phone number How long at present address? Are there any covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) where you live? Yes No Do you have a fenced yard? Yes No Fence height Yard size (width x length) Fencing material Chain link No-climb Wood Block Electric Other Describe any hazards (hot tub, pool, traffic, etc.) and how the dog will be protected from them: Dog Care & Housing Do you have skills to train foster dogs? Yes No Do you have crate training skills? Yes No Will the dog be crated? Yes No Crated when? For how long? Are you able to provide foster dogs with food? Yes No If yes, what brand of food Where will the dog stay during the day? During the night? How many hours will the dog be without human companionship during the day? At night? Cat Care & Housing Are you able to provide foster cats with food? Yes No If yes, what brand of food: Where will the cat stay during the day? During the night? How many hours will the cat be without human companionship during the day? At night? Additional comments Foster agreement: 1. I understand that YHT may not know the animal’s past background behavior or health conditions. YHTASR recommends that foster animal(s) be isolated from personal pets and children as a precaution until health and behavior is confirmed (up to 14 days). I agree to isolate any animals in my household who exhibit signs of or have been diagnosed with any transmittable disease. 2. All current pets in the foster home must be up to date on their vaccines (per your vet core vaccine recommendations). I will not hold YHT liable for any veterinary expenses for my personal animals either during the time I am fostering or at any time thereafter. 3. I, nor any person or party acquainted with myself, will hold YHT’s representatives or affiliates responsible for any damages done to my property, any property, or myself whether or not in my care or residence, or any damages done to any person or persons or other animals that the animal(s) I am fostering may come in contact with while I am under contract to foster. 4. I agree to contact the Foster contact below immediately if I have any concerns regarding the foster animal’s care, behavior or health conditions. 5. I understand that YHT is the rightful owner of the foster animal and they may remove their foster animal from my home at any time for any reason without any notice if they so deem. 6. I understand I may be considered to adopt one of a canine litter but YHT policy prohibits adoption of siblings to avoid the recognized risk of fighting once dogs have reached maturity. 7. I agree to contact Katrina Karr immediately at 928-710-4632 if the foster animal in my care is lost .I understand and agree to the above statements. Type in full name to sign. * Date MM DD YYYY Thank you!